Dot notation in python nested dictionaries

23 May 2013

This post gives a class Dotable to make nested python dictionaries (json-like objects) accessable using dot notation. I then use this to fill in strings which use ruby’s #{} format.

Why it’s not there by default

I could’t find a PEP for this, but it’s easy to see the logic to it, for example consider the unruly behaviour of

d = {'get': 'me'}
d['get'] == d.get # ??

Anyway, practicality beats purity, so here’s my solution:

class Dotable(dict):

    __getattr__= dict.__getitem__

    def __init__(self, d):
        self.update(**dict((k, self.parse(v))
                           for k, v in d.iteritems()))

    def parse(cls, v):
        if isinstance(v, dict):
            return cls(v)
        elif isinstance(v, list):
            return [cls.parse(i) for i in v]
            return v
  • __getattr__ is the important part which means we can use to dot notation 1.

  • The parse method is quite general, it takes any json-like object and returns an object whose dictionary part can be accessed with dot notation. I thought this was quite a neat solution (not just because it’s recursive).

Note: Some people on StackOverflow have posted about using dot notation before (2,3,4), but I wasn’t happy with these implementations (to be honest I didn’t look too deeply, and think this is a simpler solution). If you have a nicer way, please leave a comment and let me know!

Example use:

In [1]: d1 = Dotable.parse({'a': [{'b': 3, 'c': 5}]})

In [2]: d1.a
Out[2]: [{'b': 3, 'c': 5}]

In [3]: d1.a[0].b
Out[3]: 3

In [4]: d2 = Dotable.parse([42, {'a': 'shrubbery'}])

In [5]: d3 = Dotable.parse(7)

Why I wanted it:

I wanted to populate strings which contained strings with ruby syntax #{} from text files, where blah a json-like object.

Before you start writing something with evil eval and regular expression (*then you’ll have two problems!*) to fill in #{}

You can use format:

In [11]: '{d1.a[0].b}'.format(**locals())
Out[11]: '3'

I lied about not using regular expressions, you need a little one to remove the #s:

In [12]: s = '#{d1.a[0].b} #{d2[0].a}'

In [13]: import re

In [14]: re.sub('#({[^}]*})', r'\1', s)
Out[14]: '{d1.a[0].b} {d2[0].a}'

In [15]: re.sub('#({[^}]*})', r'\1', s).format(**locals())
Out[15]: '3 shrubbery'

Hope this helps.





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